About It's Nice to Meet You!

Founded in 1996, Trust Group provides General Contracting Service, Real Estate Development and supplying construction raw materials to a broad range of commercial and industrial clients throughout Egypt.
Anchored by loyal employees who are dedicated to providing superior service, and grounded in the philosophy that honesty and integrity are as important as the bottom line,
Trust Group has enjoyed an impeccable reputation for over 20 years. We have never failed to complete a project and have never had a bond claim. Schedules and budgets are meant to be kept, and we strive every day to do so.
Over the past two decades Trust Group has emerged as one of the most respected general contracting firms in Egypt. Again and again, in the arena of commercial and institutional construction, we have proven our ability to take on large, complex projects and complete them on time, on budget, and at the highest levels of quality.

Our objective is to be the leader in construction and the industry reference for proper residential projects.

We believe in four core values, and we strive to translate them into behavior and action every day:

  •  Customer Focus & Long-Term View

We ensure we add value and inspire our customers because we recognize that they come to us by choice.

  • Quality & Innovation

​We do not compromise on quality. We relentlessly drive for better and breakthrough innovations.

  • Performance.

We demand excellence, deliver on our promises and continuously search for new and better ways to provide the best solutions for our customers

  • Passion.

We care about and are personally committed to everything we do, especially our people, their safety and development, our customers and their success.

Vision & mission
Our Vision​
We commit to making housing convenient and proper and to provide foundations for society’s future.

Our Mission
We work for and with our customers to provide preferred construction solutions for housing.
We apply our commitment to innovation, our understanding of customers needs and our relationships with suppliers to deliver these solutions.


  • Eager to win
  • Take ownership
  • Team up to excel

Corporate Business Principles
Trust Group Business Principles are at the basis of our Trust Group’s culture, which has developed over the span of 20 years.

  1. Proper housing
    Our core aim is to enhance the quality of customer's lives by offering proper housing.
  2. Customers Communication
    We are committed to responsible, reliable communication that empowers customers to exercise their right to informed choice and promote better housing. We respect customer's privacy.
  3. Human rights in our business activities
    We support principles on human rights and labor and aim to provide an example of good human rights’ and labor practices throughout our business activities
  4. Leadership and personal responsibility
    Our success is based on our people. We treat each other with respect and dignity and expect everyone to promote a sense of personal responsibility.
  5. Safety and health at work
    We are committed to preventing accidents, injuries and illness related to work, and to protect employees, contractors and others involved along the value chain.
  6. Supplier and customer relations
    We require our suppliers, agents, subcontractors and their employees to demonstrate honesty, integrity and fairness, and to adhere to our non-negotiable standards. In the same way, we are committed towards our own customers.

Code of Business Conduct

  1. We respect the law at all times
    Trust Group and its employees are bound by the law. Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations must never be compromised.
  2. We will always act in the best interests of Trust Group
    A Conflict of Interest occurs when personal interests of an employee or the interests of a third party compete with the interests of Trust Group. In such a situation, it can be difficult for the employee to act fully in the best interests of Trust Group. Employees shall avoid Conflicts of Interest whenever possible.
    If a Conflict of Interest situation has occurred or if an employee faces a situation that may involve or lead to a Conflict of Interest, the employee shall disclose it to his or her Line Manager and/or the HR to resolve the situation in a fair and transparent manner.
  3. Our hiring and people development decisions will be fair and objective
    immediate family members and partners of employees may be hired as employees or consultants only if the appointment is based on qualifications, performance, skills and experience and provided that there is no direct or indirect reporting relationship between the employee and his or her relative or partner.
  4. We are committed to advance Trust Group’s business
    Employees shall not compete with the Company. Nor shall they take personal advantage of business opportunities that they discover during the course of their employment.
  5. We believe in the importance of free competition
    Trust Group is prepared to compete successfully in today’s business environment and will always do so in full compliance with all applicable antitrust, competition and fair dealing laws.
  6. We value and protect our confidential information
    and we respect the confidential information of others. Confidential information consists of any information that is not or not yet public information. It includes trade secrets, business, marketing and service plans, engineering, designs, databases, records, salary information and any non-published financial or other data.
  7. We insist on honesty and we respect the Company’s assets and property
    Employees must never engage in fraudulent or any other dishonest conduct involving the property or assets or the financial reporting and accounting of Trust Group or any third party.
  8. We condemn any form of bribery and corruption
    Employees must never, directly or through intermediaries, offer or promise any personal or improper financial or other advantage in order to obtain or retain a business or other advantage from a third party, whether public or private.
  9. We compete and do business based only on quality and competence
    Employees shall not be influenced by receiving favors nor shall they try to improperly influence others by providing favors.
  10. We embrace diversity and respect the personal dignity of our fellow employees
    Trust Group respects the personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of every employee and is committed to maintaining a workplace free from discrimination and harassment.
  11. We will consult the Code
    comply with its provisions and seek guidance where needed It is each employee’s responsibility to ensure full compliance with all provisions of this Code and to seek guidance where necessary from their Line Manager, or from the HR. To “do the right thing” and to ensure the highest standards of integrity is each employee’s personal responsibility that cannot be delegated.
  12. We take responsibility for ensuring that we all act with integrity in all situations
    Employees shall report any practices or actions believed to be inappropriate under this Code or even illegal to their Line Managers or the appropriate members of the HR.